Erin is a designer and writer dedicated to soulful storytelling.

Originally from Portland, Oregon—Erin currently lives and works in Columbus, Ohio.

Branding is where my love of writing and design collide. When strategy meets the unique why and how of individuals—that’s magic. Alfred Hitchcock said movies are like life with the boring bits cut out. I’m here to tell you the boring bits are the foundation of your brand.

Beautiful branding is nothing without solid strategy. Why? Because a pretty brand without purpose is pointless. Strategy is where the magic happens in the ever-evolving world of design—and design will serve as your silent ambassador. You are always evolving, too. Your new identity will be with you every step as you stretch, grow, and bloom. The power duo of your why and how is your unique fingerprint and it’s my mission to visually capture it.

I am devoted to visual storytelling. That is, capturing the unique ins and outs of your core mission. In short, I am devoted to you. It’s an honor to build your brand and I’m glad you’re here. Let’s make some magic, shall we?

Follow my creative process @madebyerin